Here is our loosely organized schedule that you can opt in or out of at any time. Feel free to tailor it to your tastes:
FRIDAY - Fly to Florida
- Fly to Ft Lauderdale
- check in to hotel
- Group dinner at a nearby restaurant
SATURDAY - Board the Ship
- Board the ship
- 7pm - Default Group Dinner. Decide at dinner if there are things you want to do in the evening with other couples.
SUNDAY - Sea Day
- 9am - Default Breakfast meet-up place. Decide at breakfastif there are things you want to do in the morning with other couples.
- 1pm - Default Lunch meet-up place. Decide at lunch if there are things you want to do in the afternoon with other couples.
- 7pm - Default Group Dinner. Decide at dinner if there are things you want to do in the evening with other couples.
MONDAY - Belize
- Group Excursion Options
- 8pm - Default Group Dinner. Decide at dinner if there are things you want to do in the evening with other couples.
TUESDAY - Cozumel
- Group Excursion Options
- 8pm - Default Group Dinner. Decide at dinner if there are things you want to do in the evening with other couples.
- 9am - Default Breakfast meet-up place. Decide at breakfastif there are things you want to do in the morning with other couples.
- 1pm - Default Lunch meet-up place. Decide at lunch if there are things you want to do in the afternoon with other couples.
- 7pm - Default Group Dinner. Decide at dinner if there are things you want to do in the evening with other couples.
Everything in blue is optional. If you like doing things with others in the group, great. If you decide a couple of times you just want to take the morning, afternoon or evening off and spend it alone, no problem. We did this with a group of 5 couples from work and typically had 3-4 couples meet up for each breakfast and lunch and all 5 for dinner. Everyone seemed to think it allowed for a really nice balance between hanging out with friends and alone time depending on what you feel like at any given time.